tiistai 5. tammikuuta 2016

Captain's Frames 1.8

Earth Date 5.1.16

I learned to do a new thing!

Yay. It took a while to make and putting the gold leaf on was a pain and I panicked because at first the mass looked awful until I cleaned it out and painted it red to give the gold a warmer shine since the red shows through a bit and then when it was finished it looked so good and amazing and I'm amazing and... Yay.

Shutting down interface.

Captain's Frames 1.7

Earth Date 5.1.16

The planet has once again revolved around the sun. This led the locals to partake in generous consumption of alcohol and ignite crude explosives. For festive reasons. Please forward a message to Mission Controls Supply Detail, that my request for earplugs can be ignored. I've made due with the indigenous variant.

Now then, my longest project to date: my very first glass cabinet.

I started out by drawing several objects to define the size of the vitrine.

 I hadn't drawn in a while so I kept it simplistic.

It was a good decision since I ended up having to make quite a few of them.

I then painted the outside of the case a couple of times so that when I started carving markings on it, I wouldn't be carving out the wood. Pine nowadays is too fragile and useless, being grown on fertile soil, fast. It would've come out in large chunks and ruin the work.

The white detail in the frame was originally a red line running all the way around the otherwise black and gold frame, I ended up covering it and drawing new details to better fit with the rest of the work.

Plain old cotton wool, glued to the bottom, I painted the side of case black on the inside as well. The bottom didn't look good with, hence the wool. Learning to cover up your mistakes is the first step on the road to making no mistakes. I think.

I painted the night sky on the back wall to inspire a dreamlike landscape. The starting idea was to make scene from a child's tale or a fable. 

I feel I succeeded well enough in my goal. Now to find it a home in my apartment.

Shutting down interface.